lunes, 2 de julio de 2018

Modular Spaceship Level - Interior

Now you can purchase our new asset!!/content/119780

Modular spaceship available at the asset store, Build your own spaceship enviroments and fill them with joyful rides of people doing laser-tag or maybe your new horror game!

We have been so busy lately on other projects we could have not made a preview video, but it is coming. After we fix some issues with hardware and also uploading assets at the store!

Enjoy this new enviroment!

Re-upload of the asset Sci-fi Interior Architecture

We have got some issues with the last asset, if you bought the asset and it is showing like this, please, keep calm, we are re-uploading it with the materiales assigned properly and we hope it does not get corrupted again.

If some of the clients need it right away, please attach the document necessary to validate the purchase and we will provide the right files to you!

To some other answers, contact us at saucysushishop[at]

Sorry for the inconvenience!