lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Shader! shader!!

Shaders can give a hard time by testing all our patience and imagination, since a while, I had a mentor at work who gave me an advice by making me use Shaderforge, and after some time, I had to investigate each aspect of shader to get the required result.

Doing this, you start to learn a few tricks, in this case, I saw how moss was made into a famous scene on Unity, Blacksmith.. wich took an hour or two to be opened, I didn't have the patience to wait the final render result, but it was worthy.

Let's say, they use a special shader with is using some techniques wich can be applied with shaderforge. And here is the example.. Yes, I did this by myself, I had no tutorial. You want to learn how to do that? Then, let me know.

The snow is places always at the top of any object I want, and it has a swich wich makes it to stay and turn the snow part to rotate freely.

Patreon, patreon me! and I make a tutorial

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